Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good News!
Today Blake had his follow up appointment with the doctor and his labs look good!!! :O) The doctor said that his levels look good and that he does not need to do anymore Retuxin treatments! He is just going to monitor him for the time being. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
This is such a huge answer to prayer. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. Continue to pray that his levels will remain stable and that it will just be fine from here on out.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Today's Doctor Appointment...
Well, there is not too much to report after today's doctor appointment. Blake's creatinine is still around a 2 and his protein has gone down. The doctor has decided that he wants to monitor Blake for 2 weeks and they will go from there. So, now we just wait.

I will keep you posted. Please pray that his protein levels continue to drop, and pray that his creatinine will even out after his body has calmed down from the Retuxin treatment.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I just got off the phone with my mom and they are heading home from the hospital. Blake had his biopsy and everything went well. The results came back showing that there were not any rejection cells. Praise the Lord!

The reason the doctor wanted to do the biopsy was because his labs showed that his creatinine had gone up to a 2.?something. This is not dangerously high but it is higher than it has been so they just needed to be sure he wasn't rejecting. His protein however has come down!!! YEAH! So the doctor seems to think that the Retuxin is working, and that the reason his creatinine levels were higher was due to the trama of the treatment. Blake goes back to the doctor for more labs on Wednesday and they will go from there.

You could be praying that the insurance will okay more Retuxin treatments. The doctor requested 6 treatments and the insurance only okayed 2!!! SO rediculous! Also, continue to pray that his levels will come down.

Thank you team Blake!!! You are all so awesome!

Please Pray...
I don't have much information at the moment but I wanted to ask all of you to pray. Blake went in today to see the doctor and possibly have one more Retuxin treatment and instead they decided to do a biopsy. So, Blake is actually having a biopsy right now! I am assuming that the reason for this is because his labs were not what they should be. I will hopefully know more soon.

Please pray that the doctors will be able to figure something out through doing the biopsy. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and peace and patience for my brother and my parents. I know that they are very discouraged at the moment.

I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here is the latest...
I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update the blog. I was waiting until I had some good information to post and then I got side tracked.

Blake started his Retuxin treatments. He has done 2 treatments now and will see the doctor again tomorrow. They will decide what the next course of action is depending on his lab results.

So far the treatments have gone relatively smoothly. He had a pretty bad reaction at his first treatment (watery eyes, aches, runny nose) but Tylenol and Benadryl took care of it and his second treatment was much better.

Please pray that his lab results show some change. Pray that these treatments work!!!

Thank you again for all of your support and prayers.