Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Here is the latest on Blake.... The doctors have decided not to do a biopsy at this time and have decided to do plasma pheresis 3 times a week for 4 weeks to see how things go. They will most likely take a week off to see if or how his levels change and then go from there.

This is a very frustrating process. It is frustrating not only for Blake and the family, but also for the doctors because they are not completely sure what is going on! Go figure, Blake is at the top rated hospital in the country and has some of the best doctors in the country, if not in the world, and they are stumped!!! Please pray that there will be some clarity in what is going on or that one of the treatments will start to work.

Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support. I will keep you updated as we go.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Blake was released from the hospital this evening. He did some negotiating because he didn't want to take some medicine for his potassium levels because it made him really sick yesterday, so the doctor said he could go home if he took his medicine. Go figure, Blake could work and angle. :O)

So, Blake will have another round of pheresis tomorrow and then again on Monday and Tuesday. The doctors will go from there to determine what to do next.

Pray that this time around the FSGS will be put into remission and he can just move on or that the doctors will better know how to treat what is going on.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today Blake had his first round, of round 2, of plasma pheresis and they decided NOT to do another biopsy. They will be running labs two times a day and are planning on doing at least 5 more rounds of pheresis. The doctors are in disagreement as to if Blake can go home or not, so he might be in the hospital for the entire pheresis process. This has yet to be determined. The doctors are also not completely sure what is going on, so please pray that they will be able to figure it out and that one of these treatments will start working (longer term).

Please continue to pray for Blake as he is still very discouraged. He is just so sick of the hospital. He knows that it is better that the doctors are aware of the situation and trying to do all they can to fix things, however, right now he wishes that it would all just go away. I don't blame him!

I will keep you posted as I hear new information. There should be lab results in the morning.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Please Pray...
Today Blake had a routine doctor's appointment and lab work. When he got his lab results back his creatinine was up to a 1.9 and his proteins still have not come down. So they had to put in another line and are planning on starting plasma pheresis again. He has been admitted into UCLA and they are planning on doing the first treatment in the morning. They are also planning on doing another biopsy tomorrow.

Please pray for answers so the doctors will know how best to treat the problems Blake is having. There are a lot of big question marks right now. The doctors aren't really sure what is going on. Please also pray for Blake mentally and emotionally right now. He is just so discouraged. He wants so badly to have normal life like every other 20 year old. He wants to work and save money for a car etc. etc. All the things young people want to do. So he is feeling incredibly discouraged and I am sure worried and scared.

I will let you know the update after I talk with my mom tomorrow. She is staying up at the hospital with Blake and then my dad is planning on coming up later tomorrow.

Thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blake went to the doctor's on Monday and his creatinine was at a 1.4. This is great! However, his protein levels are still high, so they are just watching things for a while to see if they come down on their own. If they don't they will have to do another biopsy. Please pray that his levels will naturally come down.

As of right now Blake doesn't have to see the doctor again until a week from Friday. He will have to do labs a few times though before then.

Also, Daniel is down in CA right now on business and stopped by the house today and was able to see Blake. (Daniel has not seen Blake since before the surgery. He was at the surgery but with everything that was going on he was unable to see him afterwards.) He said that Blake looks GREAT! He said it is the best he has looked in a long time (no offense, Blake :O) ) Blake says he is also feeling the best he has felt in a long time. He is not as shaky either. They have his meds adjusted pretty well at the moment and so he is feeling and doing well. Praise the Lord!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Blake and Dad (Scott)
Today Blake had his last plasmapheresis treatment! Praise the Lord! The doctor says that his creatinine is great, however, his protein is still a little high. They will continue to monitor this and they hope it will slowly just come down on its own.

They also removed the tubes in Blake's neck today. Blake was very glad to say goodbye to those horrible things. (You can see the tube wrapped up on the side of his neck in the pictures. You will now understand why he wanted to get them out so badly.) The process was quick and painless, however, after the tube was removed and they were holding pressure on his neck he started feeling sick and had a few close calls with fainting. They were able to get everything under control and he seems to be doing fine now.
Blake's next doctors appointment is on Monday.

Sarah & Emily ~ Cute new hair style, Sarah!~

Chad, Chelsea and Chelsea's boyfriend Brian
Brad and Blake

Chad, Blake and Shirley

The family celebrating a successful kidney transplant. THANK YOU LORD!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blake saw the doctor and had another round of plasmapheresis today. His levels have stabilized at 1.5, which is great! The doctor is going to have him finish off this week of pheresis and hopefully they will be able to remove the line in his neck and be done with that part of his treatment.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Blake is doing really well, but still has a long road ahead of him with doctor appointments, medicine adjustments and just plain physical recovery. Pray for patience as he goes through this process.